Friday 28 June 2013

It's all about Photography - Confia Interactive Photography Team.

Importance of Light in Photography

Light is the heart of Photography. Without light photography can't exist. As we all know photography is nothing but painting with light. Unless you don't know how to deal with the light; you won't be able to take a good photograph. So it is very crucial how you deal with the light. It doesn't matter which light it is; whether it is harsh or soft, you should know how tackle the situation and make the best out of it. Sometimes even harsh light can give you the best photograph but you should know how to control the light and from which angle to shoot. One more important thing is you have to be at the right place, at the right time to shoot the perfect picture. If you want a dreamy, foggy kind of effect then obviously you have to shoot early morning; otherwise you won't be able to get expected result no matter which gear you use. 

Tuesday 25 June 2013

Finance Update - Confia Interactive Finance Team

MVAT Updates

MAVT ACT, 2002


1) The Legislative Assembly has enacted Maharashtra Act VIII of 2013 dated 25.4.2013 by which the LA Bill XI of 2013 is converted into Act. The amendments in this Amendment Act are to carry out the proposals made in Budget 2013-2014.

2) The Governor of Maharashtra has notification dated 25.4.2013, by which the provisions of above Amendment Act VIII of 2013 are brought into effect from 1.5.2013.

3) The Government of Maharashtra has also enacted Maharashtra Act No. IV of 2013 dated 12.4.2013, so as to convert the Ordinance V of 2013 into Act. By this Act the time limit for assessments for the years 2005-2006 and 2008-2009 is extended upto June,2013.

4) The Government of Maharashtra has also issue Corrigendum dated 26.4.2013 to Notification dated 20.3.2013 so as to make corrections in entries amended earlier by above notification dated 20.3.2013.

-Confia Interactive
  Finance Team

Finance Update - Confia Interactive Finance Team

Service Tax Voluntary Compliance Encouragement Rules, 2013

Central Government vide Notification No.10/2013-ST dated 13th May,2013 has notified Service Tax Voluntary Compliance Encouragement Rules, 2013. The salient features of these Rules are as under:

• Any person wishing to make declaration under Voluntary Compliance Encouragement Scheme (VCES) shall take registration under Rule 4 of the Service Tax Rules, 1994, in case he is not already registered.

• The declaration of tax dues to be made in Form VCES-1 in duplicate verified in the prescribed manner giving interalia details such as name, address, telephone, email ID, STC no. & details of tax dues.

• The declaration in Form No.VCES-1 to be accompanied by calculation sheet of service tax dues (calculated in the manner prescribed under Sr. No.3F(I) or Part B of Form ST-3, as the case may be, for the relevant period). Such calculation sheet to be furnished return period wise and service wise, in case the tax dues relate to more than one service .

• Designated authority to issue an acknowledgement of such declaration in Form No.VCES-2 within 7 working days from the date of receipt of declaration

• No CENVAT Credit to be utilized for payment of tax dues under this Scheme

• Designated authority to issue acknowledgement of discharge of dues to the declarant in Form No.VCES-3 within 7 working days from furnishing the details of full payment of declared tax and interest, if any

- Confia Interactive
   Finance Team

Sunday 9 June 2013