Thursday 30 January 2014

Drass (Gateway to Ladakh)

Drass  (Gateway to Ladakh)  

Drass, a charming valley bustling on riverbanks, starts from the base of the Zoji La pass. It is often referred to as ‘The Gateway to Ladakh’ and is situated in the Kargil District of Jammu and Kashmir. It has a wide-spread of extensive copse along the river. The valley is situated at an altitude of 10990 feet from sea level and the mountain ridges range from 16,000 to 21,000 feet. Dras is a convenient base for a 3-day long trek to the Suru valley across the sub-range separating the two valleys.
This offbeat destination  is famous as the “Second Coldest Colonized Place in Asia” by virtue of the sheer cold that cascades upon it along with the intense snowfalls during winters. The temperature can tumble as low as 60 degree Celsius below freezing point. However, during spring and summer, the valley becomes very picturesque as the hillsides turn into lush green pastures with variety of vivid and vibrant wild flowers.
For centuries its inhabitants are known to have negotiated this formidable pass even during the most risky period in the late autumn or early spring, when the whole sector remains snow-bound and is subject to frequent snow storms, to transport trader's merchandise across and to help stranded travellers to traverse it.

Confia Travel Team
Confia Interactive

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